About Me !!

Hey there! I am Gaurav Dhanuka. I am a passionate designer and a full-stack web developer.

Previously, I learned C language as per my academics requirements. But, when I started learning Ruby, it turned out to be my favourite language.

Further, I learned Ruby on Rails. I started developing web-applications. Developing Web-apps was an awesome experience.

Loves an open source and free software. Mostly, Inspired by an awesome person(big bro to me) Aruz Parazuli and a web-designer “Makenzie Child”.

As to my academics study, I am pursuing my undergraduate study in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Allahabad(Third year).

You guys like my stuff!! Can follow me through following links:

Facebook, Twitter. Write to me :- gauravdhanuka2007@gmail.com

Thanks for reading! Will appreciate any queries or comments.